Symfony 2 PDF service using LaTeX

Posted on 19 April 2015 in Web development


This Symfony 2 article is obsolete. Symfony 2 reached end-of-life in November 2018.

Portable Document Format (PDF) has become a universally accepted format for sharing documentation. As a result, the dynamic generation of PDF documents is an expected feature of many web applications. After reviewing a number of libraries for generating PDF documents it was decided to write a service wrapping the LaTeX typesetting system . LaTeX is ideally suited to the production of scientific and technical documentation.

The code examples used in this article are from the certificate generation component of IB2020, a Symfony 2 web application for the management of welder qualifications.

PDF generating libraries

Before implementing the LaTeX service the following PDF generating libraries were considered:

  1. TCPDF
    • HTML layout and rendering engine written in PHP.
    • Coordinate-based interface.
  2. dompdf
    • HTML layout and rendering engine written in PHP.
    • Style-driven renderer.
  3. wkhtmltopdf
    • Command line tools to render HTML into PDF (and various other image formats) using the QT WebKit rendering engine.
  4. KnpLabs/KnpSnappyBundle
    • Symfony 2 bundle wrapping wkhtmltopdf.
  5. zendframework/ZendPdf
    • HTML layout and rendering engine written in PHP.
    • Coordinate-based interface.


The LaTeX system is a markup language and high-quality typesetting system. It is written in the TeX macro language.

A PDF document may be generated directly from a LaTeX source document with the pdflatex binary, part of the Debian texlive-full meta-package. Some LaTeX documents require multiple passes with pdflatex, a process which is automated with the script rubber-pipe.

LaTeX and rubber-pipe may be installed on Debian-based distributions with the following commands:

$ sudo apt-get install texlive-full
$ sudo apt-get install rubber

The PDF LaTeX service is essentially a wrapper around rubber-pipe which in turn invokes pdflatex.

Symfony 2 service

Services are re-usable, decoupled components, that may be accessed from any part of the application. The definition of a service from the Symfony documentation:

The PDF LaTeX service consists of the following three components:

  1. The Symfony service container configured in services.yml.
  2. A class Pdflatex of which an instance is available in the service container.
  3. A Twig template show.tex.twig used to output the LaTeX source document.

Configure the service container

The service container is configured with services.yml. Two services are defined in the YAML below: 1. electrotech.twig.ib2020_extension, which provides a Twig filer to escape LaTeX special characters; and 2. electrotech.pdf.pdflatex, the PDF LaTeX service itself.

For convenience the rubber-pipe binary is defined as a parameter.

# src/Electrotech/WeldqualBundle/Resources/config/services.yml

    electrotech.twig.ib2020_extension.class: Electrotech\WeldqualBundle\Twig\Ib2020Extension
    electrotech.pdf.pdflatex.rubber-pipe: /usr/bin/rubber-pipe

        class: %electrotech.twig.ib2020_extension.class%
        arguments: [%kernel.bundles%]
            - { name: twig.extension }

        class:        Electrotech\WeldqualBundle\Pdf\Pdflatex
        arguments:    [%electrotech.pdf.pdflatex.rubber-pipe%]

Service object

An instance of the class Pdflatex provides the service. Pdflatex takes a LaTeX source document and returns a PDF document.

// src/Electrotech/WeldqualBundle/Pdf/Pdflatex.php

namespace Electrotech\WeldqualBundle\Pdf;

class Pdflatex

     * Full system path to rubber-pipe binary
     * @var string
    private $binary;

     * Options for rubber-pipe
     * @var array
    private $options = array(
        '--pdf' => null,
        '--into' => '/tmp/'

     * Tex source document
     * @var string
    private $texSource;

     * Generated PDF document
    private $pdf;

     * Initial working dir
     * @var string
    private $cwd = '/tmp/';

     * Environment variables
     * @var array|null
    private $env = null;

     * Error output
     * @var string
    private $stderr = null;

     * Return value
     * @var integer
    private $returnValue;

    public function __construct($binary)
        $this->binary = $binary;

     * Create rubber-pipe command
    public function getCommand()
        $args = '';
        foreach ($this->options as $option => $value)
            $args .= ' '.$option;
            if ($value !== null)
                $args .= ' '.$value;
        return $this->binary.$args;

     * Execute rubber-pipe command
    public function execute()
        $descriptorSpec = array(
            0 => array("pipe", "r"),
            1 => array("pipe", "w"),
            2 => array("pipe", "w"),

        $process = proc_open(

        if (is_resource($process)) {
            fwrite($pipes[0], $this->getTexSource());

            $this->pdf = stream_get_contents($pipes[1]);
            $this->stderr = stream_get_contents($pipes[2]);
            $this->returnValue = proc_close($process);

        if ($this->returnValue == 0)
            return true;
        return false;

     * Set path to rubber-pipe binary
     * @param string $binary Full system path to rubber-pipe binary
    public function setBinary($binary)
        $this->binary = $binary;

     * Get path to rubber-pipe binary
     * @return string Full system path to rubber-pipe binary
    public function getBinary()
        return $this->binary;

     * Set LaTeX source
     * @param string $texSource LaTeX source document
    public function setTexSource($texSource)
        $this->texSource = $texSource;

     * Get LaTeX source
     * @return string LaTeX source document
    public function getTexSource()
        return $this->texSource;

     * Get PDF file contents
     * @return mixed Generated PDF file contents
    public function getPdf()
        return $this->pdf;

     * Get errors
     * @return string Error output
    public function getStderr()
        return $this->stderr;

     * Get return value
     * @return integer Return value from rubber-pipe command
    public function getReturnValue()
        return $this->returnValue;


Twig template

A Twig template show.tex.twig is used to generate the LaTeX source document.

% src/Electrotech/WeldqualBundle/Resources/views/Testweld/show.tex.twig

% This template has been simplified for the sake of brevity.



% width of table columns
\setlength{\colThreeToFiveWidth}{\colThreeWidth + \colFourWidth + \colFiveWidth}
\setlength{\colFourToFiveWidth}{\colFourWidth + \colFiveWidth}

% colours
\definecolor{IB2020Blue}{RGB}{172,206,230} % #ACCEE6
\definecolor{invalidBg}{RGB}{242,222,222}  % #F2DEDE
\definecolor{invalidFg}{RGB}{185,74,72}    % #B94A48

% page style
\pagestyle{empty} % remove page numbering

% PDF meta data
    /Title (Welder Qualification Certificate)
    /Creator (IB2020 {{ electrotech_system_owner | e_latex }})
    /Producer (IB2020 {{ electrotech_system_owner | e_latex }})
    /Author (IB2020 A Management Information System for Inspection Bodies)
    /CreationDate (D:{{ "now"|date("YmdGisO") | e_latex }})
    /ModDate (D:{{ "now"|date("YmdGisO") | e_latex }})
    /Subject (Welder Qualification Certificate)
    /Keywords (IB2020)


% remove left indent from table
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{}|p{\colOneWidth}|X|p{\colThreeWidth}|p{\colFourWidth}|p{\colFiveWidth}| }
        \centering \scriptsize{}Certificate Number\newline \normalsize {{ entity.certificateNumber | e_latex }} &
        \multicolumn{3}{c|}{ \cellcolor{IB2020Blue} \textbf{Welder Qualification Certificate} } &
            \includegraphics[width=0.13\textwidth]{{ '{' }}{{ logoFile | e_latex }}{{ '}' }}
        } \\
            {{ electrotech_system_owner | e_latex }}
            IANZ Accredited Inspection Body No. {{ electrotech_ianz_number | e_latex }}
        } \\


A custom Twig filter e_latex is used to escape LaTeX special characters. Custom Twig filters are created by extending Twig_Extension.

// src/Electrotech/WeldqualBundle/Twig/Ib2020Extension.php

namespace Electrotech\WeldqualBundle\Twig;

use Twig_Extension;
use Twig_Filter_Method;
use Twig_Test_Method;

class Ib2020Extension extends Twig_Extension
    // Unrelated methods have been omitted from this code sample for the sake
    // of brevity.

    private $kernelBundles;

    public function __construct($kernelBundles)
        $this->kernelBundles = $kernelBundles;

     * Returns a list of filters to add to the existing list.
     * @return array An array of filters
    public function getFilters()
        return array(
            'e_latex'     => new Twig_Filter_Method($this, 'escapeLatexFilter'),

     * Escape LaTeX special characters
     * @return string
    public function escapeLatexFilter($str = null)
        $search = array('\\', '#', '$', '%', '&', '_', '{', '}', '~', '^',
            '>', '<');

        $replace = array('\textbackslash ', '\#', '\$', '\%', '\&', '\_',
            '\{', '\}', '\textasciitilde ', '\textasciicircum ',
            '\textgreater', '\textless');

        return str_replace($search ,$replace ,$str);

     * Returns the name of the extension
     * @return string The extension name
    public function getName()
        return 'electrotech_twig_ib2020_extension';


Utilising the service

The service is used in the controller by passing a certificate ID to the method pdfAction(). The LaTeX source document is then generated by the method latexSource().


// Utilising the PDF LaTeX service
$pdflatex = $this->get('electrotech.pdf.pdflatex');
$pdf = $pdflatex->getPdf()

Below is an example of how this service is used in a controller.


// src/Electrotech/WeldqualBundle/Controller/TestweldController.php

namespace Electrotech\WeldqualBundle\Controller;

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\HttpException;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;

use Electrotech\WeldqualBundle\Entity\Testweld;
use Electrotech\WeldqualBundle\Entity\Testweldassessment;
use Electrotech\WeldqualBundle\Form\TestweldType;
use Electrotech\WeldqualBundle\Helper\QualificationRangeHelper;

 * Testweld controller
class TestweldController extends Controller
    // Unrelated methods have been omitted from this code sample for the sake
    // of brevity.

     * Creates a PDF certificate
    public function pdfAction($id)

        $latexSource = $this->latexSource($id, 'show.tex.twig');

        $pdflatex = $this->get('electrotech.pdf.pdflatex');

        if (!$pdflatex->execute())
            throw new HttpException(500, 'Error creating PDF: '.$pdflatex->getStderr());

        $response = new Response();
        $response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/pdf');
        $response->headers->set('Content-Disposition', 'inline; filename="'.$latexSource['filename'].'.pdf"');

        return $response;

     * Creates LaTeX source
    private function latexSource($id, $template)
        $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();

        $entity = $em->getRepository('ElectrotechWeldqualBundle:Testweld')->find($id);

        if (!$entity) {
            throw $this->createNotFoundException('Unable to find Testweld entity.');

        $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();

        $weldVariables = $em->getRepository('ElectrotechWeldqualBundle:Weldvariables')

        $qualifiedRange = null;

        if ($weldVariables !== null)
            $qualifiedRange = new QualificationRangeHelper(

        $logoFile = $this->get('kernel')->getRootDir().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.

        $templating = $this->get('templating');

        $latexSource = $templating->render(
                'entity'         => $entity,
                'logoFile'       => $logoFile,
                'qualifiedRange' => $qualifiedRange,

        return array(
            'latex'    => $latexSource,
            'filename' => $entity->getFilename()